conditional love

6 examples of narcissistic triangulation and an explanation of the unhealthy dynamics of triangulation

In this article, I will go further into narcissistic triangulation, which is one of the favorite manipulation tactics of a narcissist. It’s disturbing and unhealthy behaviour when someone uses triangulation and therefore it’s useful to learn about it in order to recognize it. Triangulation is a manipulation strategy in which one person doesn’t communicate directly […]

6 examples of narcissistic triangulation and an explanation of the unhealthy dynamics of triangulation Read More »

What is triangulation by a narcissist? About narcissistic triangulation, why they do it and how to deal with it

Triangulation is one of the many manipulation tactics a narcissist has and sadly, they love to use it. It’s a manipulation strategy in which one person doesn’t communicate directly with another person, but rather uses a third person for communication to the second person, thereby forming a triangle. Triangulation exists in many forms and has

What is triangulation by a narcissist? About narcissistic triangulation, why they do it and how to deal with it Read More »

11 reasons why it’s so hard to end a relationship or marriage with a narcissist

Why is it so hard to end a relationship or marriage with a narcissist? Many victims have experienced that it can be very challenging to end a relationship with a narcissist. You could be aware of that your relationship is abusive or unhealthy and still not seem to be able to leave. There are many

11 reasons why it’s so hard to end a relationship or marriage with a narcissist Read More »

12 warning signs you might be in a relationship with a narcissist and questions to ask yourself

There are quite some warning signs you could experience when dating or in a relationship with a narcissist. Mostly, these red flags become clear in hindsight but I hope this article might provide some insight into recognizing narcissists in an earlier stage. It’s good to have knowledge of these red flags in order to recognize

12 warning signs you might be in a relationship with a narcissist and questions to ask yourself Read More »